Artikelen door Admin

Who cares about promises

If we want to build a more sustainable model and start fixing the trust between organizations and its users, we need to start investing time understanding one and another. As a client, don’t just buy the product and rely on a governmental institutions to protect you as a client with for example something like GDPR with regards to privacy. Take the time to understand what thrives the company and if you believe them. Where as an organization,  respect your mission and open the dialog with your client in a controlled way if you want to change your promise. It will provide feedback that will accelerate your ambitions on the long run.

Data-driven Society

On request of my employer KPN I contributed to the yearly technology book with an article on data driven society. I’m happy to share the result

Believe and Trust

If trust starts with understanding and believing in once promise, we should invest more time and effort in building a promise an organization believes in.  Do you ever check wither someone believes your promise? Or do you believe uncertainty weakness your trust?

The emotional site of trust

After being a loyal customer for many years, I lost trust in my bank in a wink of an eye. The direct reason was a shortcoming in delivering on what is seen as the core service of a bank: A financial  transaction. Denial of the emotional impact and rigid communication made it worse. I must […]

The value of trust: at least $37bn

Every company exist by the trust it inspires in its customers. But how to valuate that trust in terms of cash? The unprecedented data breach at Facebook and the $37 bn dent in its market cap may hold a clue, for Facebook: if other companies would inflict such blatant distrust on their customers, the damage […]

The link between Trust and Ethics

I believe we should separate the two topics of trust and ethics. Societal norms and corresponding expectations must be seen as a factor that can challenge the tolerance of your audience and must be dealt with in the formulation and execution of the promise.

Beperken of vertrouwen

Het voortouw in vertrouwen Innovatie vergt vertrouwen tussen maatschappij en innovator De rich and famous, die tijdens het World Economic Forum in Davos hun afkeuring uit- spraken over socioal media, lijken het over één ding roerend eens: technologische innova- tie vormt niet alleen een zegen maar ook een bedreiging voor de samenleving. Daarbij klinkt de […]

Rules vs. Trust

Last week I visited the Trust conference hosted by Sea Salt learning together with my think-tank buddies Marcel and Louis. We were proud too share the insights we gathered and during this event I was confronted with the alternative for Trust. Setup rules and strict controls on them. This was immediately an eye opener why […]

Elements of Trust

As mentioned earlier I believe that we are in a trend where Trust is devaluated rapidly while at the same time there is a need for organizations to work on their trust as a digital revolution is setting transparency fully open. To be able to prepare for this future, organizations need to understand what the […]